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Cody's Trophy Case... Today in the News 1/7/2015:

Cody's Trophy Case... Today in the News 1/7/2015:

Favorite Story / Story of the Day:
Ever win a BIG Trophy? Tie for third in something or win 3 Emmy's? Today the SF Giants 3 World Series Trophies will be on display and we get a preview, A store that had to move due to the Arena construction found a new home and a local designer shows off her design. For all that and more this is Cody's Trophy Case.... Today in the News.... 

Ding Dong Donuts
Leading off today Mark is bringing back an old Segment called Ding Dong Donut. So Mark headed to Roseville. Today on Good Day Mark was in Roseville collecting Donuts for Doorbell Donuts where he will randomly select a home and drop off donuts. 
Baker Ben's Donuts is located at 1045 Douglas Blvd. Roseville, CA 9167812083.
mark donuts 1

Witherell’s First-Ever Live Auction
Everyone loves auctions of old artifacts this week today on Good Day Marianne and Ken got a preview from Witherell's who will hold it’s first Sacramento estate auction-live this Saturday!! For the first time ever, Witherell’s is opening it’s giant warehouse for a live auction! Marianne and Ken talked with Brian who opened the vault to preview all the rare goodies that could be yours if the price is right! Typically the antique auctions are done online. Witherell’s Art and Antiques Live Auction Saturday Public Preview 8am-10am Auctions Starts 10am located at 300 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 9164466490

New Getta Clue
Today on Good Day Cambi was getting a preview of the NEW Getta Clue spot who used to be in the Downtown Plaza, but there’s not much left there so they were forced to move. They are opening up on Thursday morning in the Marrs building downtown. Getta Clue Opens Thursday at 1050 20th St. Sacramento, CA

World Series Trophy Tour
Today on Good Day Cody was at Raley Field for One of the stops of the, three World Series championship trophies!! The Giants’ caravan makes a stop just for good day as the trophies make their way to the state capitol! The River Cats are hosting a public viewing party today from 4-7pm at Raley Field!
Cody WS Trophy 1 Cody WS Trophy 4 Cody WS Trophy 6

Inside the Candy Box
As Sweet as Candy Cambi was at the Candy Box in Marysville’s who is celebrating their 60th anniversary. The Candy Box is located at 415 D Street Marysville, CA 5307423124
Candy Cambi

For all these stories and more this is Cody's Trophy Case... Today in the News... 

Grub Run - Carl's Jr.
Grub Run is BACK! Enter to win FREE Lunch with Tina Macuha Good Day Sacramento and Carl's Jr. for you and 24 Coworkers By 1/26/2015 at 10am
Grub Run Carls Jr 1

Good Day Sacramento:
Show Us Yours: Trophy
trophy 1 trophy 2 TBT Ken Trophy Sac Republic Trophy Cody

Show & Tell: Ken: Man Cards are real. Website will make you a Man Card. Cody: Ice Show in China similar to the Global Winter Wonderland but everything is made of Ice. 

#QuestionOfTheDay: What business would you like to own.

5am Club Member of the Day: Allie

Marianne's Daily List: 3 January Best Buys
It’s a new year, and while downsizing may be on your list of resolutions, there are a few things you may be looking for, for yourself or for others. So before you resign yourself to steering clear of stores all together this month, on the Daily List this morning, we have three best buys for January! Winter Apparel. Deck the Halls for Christmas. Electronic Clearance.

Mark: Baker Ben's Donut's
Today on Good Day Mark was in Roseville collecting Donuts for Doorbell Donuts where he will randomly select a home and drop off donuts. 
Baker Ben's Donuts is located at 1045 Douglas Blvd. Roseville, CA 9167812083.
mark donuts 1

430/5am Recap:
Mark was getting donuts for an old/new segment. Marianne's Daily List talked about January deals. 5am Club Member was introduced. Today's Question was local business you would like to own. Show us yours was Trophy. Ken found a man card. Cody found an Ice City.  

430/5am News Block:

Ken/Marianne: Witherell’s First-Ever Live Auction
Everyone loves auctions of old artifacts this week today on Good Day Marianne and Ken got a preview from Witherell's who will hold it’s first Sacramento estate auction-live this Saturday!! For the first time ever, Witherell’s is opening it’s giant warehouse for a live auction! Marianne and Ken talked with Brian who opened the vault to preview all the rare goodies that could be yours if the price is right! Typically the antique auctions are done online. Witherell’s Art and Antiques Live Auction Saturday Public Preview 8am-10am Auctions Starts 10am located at 300 20th Street, Sacramento, CA 9164466490

Mark: Ding Dong Donuts Part 2

Marianne's Daily Joe:
Bulldog gets a new bed and loves it. Little Boy dances to Let it Go. Cat loves olives so much goes crazy when the can opens.

6am Recap:
Marianne's Daily List showed a Bulldog loving his new bed. Talked with Brian from Witherell's Auction about their new auction taking place this Saturday. Mark continued at Baker Ben's waiting for the donuts to deliver. 

6am News Block:

Ken: Witherell Auction Part 2

Mark: Delivers Donuts to Roseville Residents.

Cambi: New Getta Clue
Today on Good Day Cambi was getting a preview of the NEW Getta Clue spot who used to be in the Downtown Plaza, but there’s not much left there so they were forced to move. They are opening up on Thursday morning in the Marrs building downtown. Getta Clue Opens Thursday at 1050 20th St. Sacramento, CA

Michael Marks: 
Today on Good Day Michael Marks your Produce Man talked about Fruits and Veggies to have on your grocery list.
Michael Marks 1

Ken: E-Waste Fundraiser
Today on Good Day Ken talked with Michael the Wrestling Coach at Rio Americano HS. You can Help the high school wrestlers earn money for the season by dropping off your e-waste this morning. The wrestling team is short on funds so they are raising money by holding an e-waste drop. 4540 American River Drive Sacramento, CA

Mark: Ding Dong Donut Continued

7am Recap:
Michael Marks was in talking fruits and veggies. Mark was delivering donuts. Ken got more of a preview of the Witherell's Auction Cambi was checking out the new location of the Getta Clue. Ken was talking of an E Waste Event taking place at Rio Americano HS. 

7am News Block:

Jason: Truck Tracker Update - Lifestyle Change Day 1 Progress
jason eats an egg salad jason 1 Cody helping Jasonsalad jason 2

Mark: Ding Dong Donuts Continued.

Teens Tunes - Instrumentals 70's
teens tunes flute

Cody: World Series Trophy Tour
Today on Good Day Cody was at Raley Field for One of the stops of the, three World Series championship trophies!! The Giants’ caravan makes a stop just for good day as the trophies make their way to the state capitol! The River Cats are hosting a public viewing party today from 4-7pm at Raley Field!
Cody WS Trophy 2 Cody WS Trophy 3 Cody WS Trophy 4 Cody WS Trophy 5 Cody WS Trophy 6

#9amtopic: What do you consider a Public Nuisance

Custom Womens’ Clothes
Today on Good Day Courtney was with R Douglas who is a local men’s designer who is launching custom women’s line and Kristin is going to be a part of it as well as Courtney who was getting fitted for some custom pieces she will wear on the runway when she walks for them in the sac fashion show. They are obviously allowing anything with a pulse to walk for them!

Cambi: Inside the Candy Box
As Sweet as Candy Cambi was at the Candy Box in Marysville’s who is celebrating their 60th anniversary. The Candy Box is located at 415 D Street Marysville, CA 5307423124

Mark: Ding Dong Donut

8am Recap:
Mark continued to deliver donuts. Cambi was in Marysville making Candy. Cody was holding the World Series Trophy. Courtney was previewing new women's fashion from R Douglas. Jason gave an update on his lifestyle progress. Teens Tunes was played. #9amtopic was introduced. What do you consider a public nuisance 

8am News Block:

Dishin With Tina at....
Topwater Cafe
114 West Pine
Lodi, CA
Hours: Mon Closed  Tue Closed  Wed 11:00 am - 8:00 pm  Thu 11:00 am - 8:00 pm  Fri 11:00 am - 9:00 pm  Sat 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Sun 10:00 am - 3:00pm

Mark: Ding Dong Donuts continued

Cody: Jamie Oliver
Today on Good Day Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver will be at the State Capitol and Cody talked with him.

Cambi: Candy Box Continued.
Candy Cambi

Ken's Manly Minute: Most men aim to like their jobs, and all men want to be respected. But doing a great job and being respected at work aren't always mutually inclusive. There’s a guy in every workplace that busts his butt every day but still gets walked all over by his co-workers or worse yet… management. Don't care so much. Meet Deadlines. Don't waste time. Dress for success. Don't get drunk.

Courtney: Brighton Schools Backpack Drive
Today on Good Day Courtney was at Brighton Schools who held a backpack drive last month and received donations from Brighton families that will go directly to students at Mustard Seed School. 

#FinalQuestionoftheDay: Name a time someone was courteous to you 

9am Recap:
In this hour covered by Laura and Marianne talking about the #9amtopic. Tina was Dishin With Tina. Courtney was checking in on a Mustard Seed School who had a backpack drive. Cambi was tasting candy. Mark delivered more donuts. Cody talked with Naked Chef Jamie Oliver. Ken's Manly Minute talked about respect at work. 

9am News Block:

Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV 
Photos: Good Day Sacramento.

Final Recap/Good Day Nutshell: 
Daily List:
With the New Month comes the Best Deals. In today's Daily List Marianne gave 3 Best Deals for January and those are. Winter Apparel. Deck the Halls for Christmas. Electronic Clearance. 

Daily Joe:
What did we find in our Daily Joe today?  Bulldog gets a new bed and loves it. Little Boy dances to Let it Go. Cat loves olives so much goes crazy when the can opens.

Manly Minute:
As Aretha Franklin sings R E S P E C T we all want it. Today in the Manly Minute on Good Day Ken gives 5 ways to be respected at work. Don't care so much. Meet Deadlines. Don't waste time. Dress for success. Don't get drunk. 

Tomorrow is Thursday and Gina's been off the show for a couple of weeks with the Holiday's So tune into Good Day tomorrow at 430am and see if Gina from ThriftTown makes her 2015 Debut plus so much more fun. 

What To Look Forward To This Week:
Gina from Thrift Town DIY Thrifty Thursday:

Dance Party:

Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Melissa:

Melissa's Coupon Corner:
To get your Coupon Corner Cheat Sheet Email:     

Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody, Melissa, Lori:

Ask Eleanor:

Dishin With Tina at...


Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac 
Good Day Weekend 
Cambi Brown  
Cody Stark 
Courtney Dempsey  
Julissa Ortiz   
Ken Rudulph 
Kristin Marshall 
Lori Wallace 
Marianne McClary 
Mark S. Allen 
Melissa Cabral 
Sean Bennett 
Tina Macuha or 
Nina Hajian 
Heather Brent
Morgan Ragan 
Good Day Traffic  

Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
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