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Cody's A Journalist... Today in the News 1/23/2015:

Cody's A Journalist... Today in the News 1/23/2015:

Favorite Story / Story of the Day:
We've made it to Friday and today Mark is giving us heart pumping action you won't need the whole seat for but they're going to charge you anyway at the MONSTER TRUCK JAM!!! Melissa plays Shuffleboard. Tina dines Downtown. The Annual Wheelchair races at Camden Springs is taking place today and we Dance into the weekend. All this and more in Cody's a Journalist... Today in the News....

Cody's a Journalist:
The other Day Cody and Ken talked with Anne Hathaway about her new Movie Song One. She later was on the Daily Show with John Stewart and talked about Cody. Here is a mashup of the day's events....
song one

Family Feud:
Next Week the Good Day Family Feud is returning and today on Good Day Julissa met the Hecht Family who they will be competing against. Tune into Good Day Next Thursday for the Feud - Good Day Style.

Monster Jam
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY... Well it's actually all weekend and today on Good Day Mark was at Sleep Train Arena for the Monster Truck Jam. This is as big as it gets as this Monster jam revs up with another rockin’ line-up of monster truck action.,_CA/
monster truck Mark 1

Fiasco Sideshow DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!
Today on Good Day Melissa was with Fiasco Sideshow. This couple gives a whole new meaning to dynamic duo! The Fiasco Sideshow performs death defying stunts to thrill audiences all over! They're performing in Sacramento this weekend but first they hit the streets of Downtown Sacramento with Melissa to give unsuspected coffee goers a jolt this morning! See them live on Sunday 8 p.m. 670 Fulton Sacramento Contact for more details at 6026969011

Wheelchair Races
Today on Good Day Cody was with the folks at Camden Springs Retirement Living who are once again going head-to-head for their annual Wheelchair Races!
Camden Springs Retirement 8476 Sheldon Rd. Elk Grove, CA 9167146565
Cody Wheelchair race with vi

Kristin: Lil’ Kickers
CUTENESS ALERT!!!! Lil’ Kickers in Ripon offers kids as young as 18 months soccer lessons. Today on Good Day Kristin runned around with the munchkins!
Verbero Powerplay Arena 1043 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366
lil kickers 1

Now that the show is done and we danced into the weekend it was fun seeing Cody take part in the annual Wheelchair Races. Heather Picou was the first Good Day Player to take part in these races at Camden Springs so it was great to see the tradition continue. Courtney and Marianne started the week off and ended the same way but both should be back Monday. For all these favorites and more including Ken performing the Buffalo Bills Traditional Song "Shout" with today's band this is  Cody's A Journalist.... Today in the News...

Grub Run - Carl's Jr.
Grub Run is BACK! Enter to win FREE Lunch with Tina Macuha Good Day Sacramento and Carl's Jr. for you and 24 Coworkers By 1/26/2015 at 10am
Grub Run Carls Jr 1

Good Day Sacramento:
Show Us Yours: Truck
truck 1

Show & Tell: Cody: Anne Hathaway talked about Cody on the Daily Show with John Stewart. Ken's Son Malcolm got a Tackling Dummy for his Birthday.
song one

Mark's News of the Weird: Go Back to the future and upgrade your Delorean at a Texas Dealership. Rare frilled shark found by Australian Fisherman. A Stock Photo Bomber strikes again.

#QuestionOfTheDay: What celebrity would you like to mention something about you.

5am Club Member of the Day: Brian Terry

Marianne's Daily List:  3 Food Myths Nutritionists Wish You’d Forget - CANCELLED!!!!
Yesterday we gave you three foods to make you feel full. Those are proven strategies, but there’s a lot of misinformation out there that dieticians despise! On the daily list this morning, three nutrition myths they’d wish you’d forget!

430/5am Recap:
Mark had News of the Weird. Cody was talked about on the Daily Show with John Stewart. Ken talked about Malcolm got a tackling dummy for his birthday. Today's Question was What celebrity would you like to have mention you. Marianne's Daily List was CANCELLED! Show us yours was Trucks. 5am Club Memer was introduced.

430/5am News Block:

Ju: Family Feud:
Next Week the Good Day Family Feud is returning and today on Good Day Julissa met the Hecht Family who they will be competing against. Tune into Good Day Next Thursday for the Feud - Good Day Style.

Mark: Monster Jam
SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY... Well it's actually all weekend and today on Good Day Mark was at Sleep Train Arena for the Monster Truck Jam. This is as big as it gets as this Monster jam revs up with another rockin’ line-up of monster truck action.,_CA/

Mel: Fiasco Sideshow - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!!
Today on Good Day Melissa was with Fiasco Sideshow. This couple gives a whole new meaning to dynamic duo! The Fiasco Sideshow performs death defying stunts to thrill audiences all over! They're performing in Sacramento this weekend but first they hit the streets of Downtown Sacramento with Melissa to give unsuspected coffee goers a jolt this morning! See them live on Sunday 8 p.m. 670 Fulton Sacramento Contact for more details at 6026969011

6am Recap:
Mark previewed the Monster Truck Jam at Sleep Train Arena. Julissa was with the Hecht family who will be taking part in next weeks Good Day Family Feud. Melissa was hanging out with the Fiasco Sideshow before their show coming up this Sunday.

6am News Block:

Mark: Monster Jam Part 2 - Zombie
monster truck Mark 1

Mel: Fiasco Sideshow Part 2 - Cucumber Slice

Ju: Public House Theater
Today on Good Day Julissa checked out a new local movie theater Public House Theater located at 5440 14th Ave. Sacramento, CA 95820 9166627262

Mel: Fiasco SideShow Part 3

Ken: Paddington:
Today on Good Day Hugh Bonneville aka Mr. Brown from Paddington joined to talk to Ken about the movie in theaters now.

7am Recap:
Hugh Bonneville talked with Ken about Paddington Bear. Melissa continued with Fiasco Sideshow. Mark continued from Monster Truck Jam. Melissa was checking out Public House Theater NEW to Sacramento..

7am News Block:

Mark: News of the Weird Part 2: Frilled Shark caught in Australia. Great White tries to eat a Florida boat. Canada cat born with both parts of male / female.

Teens Tunes 80's

Tina: National Pie Day:
Today is National Pie Day so in classic Good Day style Tina and crew celebrated with Marie Callender's Pie.
Pie Day pie day 2 pie day 1 Cody Pie

Cody: Wheelchair Races
Today on Good Day Cody was with the folks at Camden Springs Retirement Living who are once again going head-to-head for their annual Wheelchair Races!
Camden Springs Retirement 8476 Sheldon Rd. Elk Grove, CA 9167146565

Ken: Kevin Bacon Tribute
Good Day LOVES BACON and today Clouds Roll Bye performed in studio before Sac Bacon Week wraps up with a Kevin Bacon soundtrack tribute night of music tonight at Old Ironsides bar on 10th & S Streets in Downtown Sacramento, CA

Kristin: Lil’ Kickers
CUTENESS ALERT!!!! Lil’ Kickers in Ripon offers kids as young as 18 months soccer lessons. Today on Good Day Kristin runned around with the munchkins!
Verbero Powerplay Arena 1043 S. Acacia Ave. Ripon, CA 95366

#9amtopic: The Name of My Movie Would Be...

8am Recap:
Kristin was hanging out with 18 month old Soccer players. Cody was previewing the Wheelchair Races. It's National Pie Day so Good Day Celebrated. Teens Tunes was played. Mark had more weird news Tribute to Kevin Bacon celebrates Bacon Week through Song.

8am News Block:

Kristin: Lil Kickers Part 2
lil kickers 1

Cody: Wheelchair Race Part 2
Cody takes on the winner from the final round. Cody lost in race not even close. I think Vi had nitro or turbo boost in her chair.
Cody Wheelchair race with vi

Tina: Susiecakes dropped off Goodies before their Grand Opening tomorrow
Pavilions Shopping Center 564 Pavilions Lane Sacramento, CA 9168652250
susiecakes 1

Kevin Bacon Music Part 2. Charlie White and Clouds Go Bye with Special Guest on Backup Vocal Ken.
mini cody bacon

Tina: Dine Downtown Week
Dine Downtown Week is still taking place with 28 restaurants participating and today on Good Day Tina found out what The Porch is cooking up just for this event.The Porch 1815 K Street Sacramento, CA 9164442423

Mark: Infotainment - Wedding Ringer In theaters Now. Dionna talked with Kevin Hart and Josh Gad
Matm 277 Wedding Ringer 2

Mel: Shuffleboard Tournament
Everybody shufflin’! Today on Good Day MelIssa learned how to play Shuffleboard in Roseville at The Trocadero Club. It’s not too late to join the fun as she’s getting ready for a big tournament for CASH happening this weekend! Sunday 2 p.m. The Trocadero Club 119 Church Street, Roseville, CA 9167837892

Ken's Manly Minute: Being A Gentleman
The Age of the Gentleman – that semi-imaginary time we all have in our heads where men you actually wanted to sleep with wore fedoras and treated ladies like ladies – might be over, but there’s no reason it can’t come back next year. We just need to set up a few ground rules for being a modern Cary Grant/Paul Newman/Ken Cosgrove. We'll all be drinking scotch and wearing linen suits again in no time. Have a simple drink. No social media war. Rock one suit. The Handshake. Cook Something

#FinalQuestionoftheDay: Where would this movie about you be shot

Dance Party Friday Song / Artist: Charlie White and Clouds Go Bye - Shout

9am Recap:
Cody fell to Vi in the Wheelchair Races. Kristin continued from Lil Kickers. Melissa played Shuffleboard. Mark talked Wedding Ringer. Ken performed with Charlie White and the band. Ken had his Manly Minute how to be a gentlemen. Tina was with the Porch in the kitchen learning what they have for Dine Downtown. Julissa and Laura discussed the #9amtopic. Tina wants to know where the movie would be shot. We Danced into the weekend. Susiecakes dropped off treats prior to their Grand Opening.

9am News Block:

Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
Photos: Good Day Sacramento.

Final Recap/Good Day Nutshell:
Daily List:
Today on the Daily List Marianne tells you 3  nutrition myths they’d wish you’d forget!...

In today's edition of News of the Weird Mark talked about... Go Back to the future and upgrade your Delorean at a Texas Dealership. Rare frilled shark found by Australian Fisherman. A Stock Photo Bomber strikes again.

In Infotainment today Mark talked about... Wedding Ringer In theaters Now. Dionna talked with Kevin Hart and Josh Gad.

Manly Minute:
Do you open the door and hold it open for the ladies? Today on Good Day in Ken's #ManlyMinute he gave 5 ways to be a gentlemen... Have a simple drink. No social media war. Rock one suit. The Handshake. Cook Something

Now that we danced into the weekend we can get ready for Cody, Melissa, and the weekend crew starting at 7am-11am. One thing to look forward to is Melissa's Coupon Corner.

What To Look Forward To This Week:Saturday:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Melissa:

Melissa's Coupon Corner:
To get your Coupon Corner Cheat Sheet Email:    
coupon mel

Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody, Melissa, Lori:

Good Day in the Bay With Cody and Melissa
Cody and Melissa 3 Cody and Melissa 1 Good Day Bay 1

Ask Eleanor:

Dishin With Tina at...


Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac
Good Day Weekend
Cambi Brown 
Cody Stark
Courtney Dempsey 
Julissa Ortiz  
Ken Rudulph
Kristin Marshall
Lori Wallace
Marianne McClary
Mark S. Allen
Melissa Cabral
Sean Bennett
Tina Macuha or
Heather Brent
Morgan Ragan
Good Day Traffic 

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