Going Off The Rails On A Zombie Train... Today in the News 10/9/2014:
Favorite Story / Story of the Day: Zombies Storm Good Day
Our story today takes place in the 7am, 8an and 9am of Good Day Sacramento in real time..
Starting off in the 7am hour Chris Hart talked about the Zombie Train and how it has been attacking folks in West Sacramento because Courtney and Jason will be taking the train later today.
Cody was able to escape but Mark was taking a phone call in the 7am hour and they took him. The Zombies took Mark and was never seen from again until....
Like a GREAT Western or something Courtney and Jason wanted to take a nice train ride to relax but that got interrupted when Zombies tried to attack them. They appeared to stop them all so decided to head to the Mecca Club to celebrate when only Jason spotted more Zombies inside. Courtney and Jason again sprung into action getting rid of all but one who escaped and headed to the Good Day Studios. When the cameras faded to black Zombie Mark was seen attacking Laura Skirde...
Will Laura escape or will she become one of them. Find out tomorrow on Good Day and for the rest of what took place Today in the News....
Please Like Mark at the Movies on Facebook
Mark at the Movies Tumblr:
Follow Good Day Sacramento on Instagram.... http://instagram.com/gooddaysac
Live, breathe, and love soccer? Sign up your kids' team for this Roseville-area fundraiser tourney 10/11-12 to help kids and their families who are battling cancer.
Julia Stanley-Metz created the “Wavy Mango and Salsa Potato Chips." She has made it to one of the final 4 finalists for a $1 million grand prize from Lay’s. You can vote daily until October 18th athttp://dousaflavor.com/ You can also vote on Instagram with #SaveMango. A Message from Julia: Will you pls support me by Retweeting this message and texting "mango" to 24477 daily?
To follow Julia and her progress you can like her Facebook page and Follow her on Twitter at Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/LaysWavyMangoSalsa
News You Can Use / Today's Top Stories
Applegate Fire continues burning.
Dixon HS Student shoots at police
5 US Airports will test for Ebola
Good Day Sacramento:
Show Us Yours: TBT Halloween Costumes
Show & Tell: Cody: A Wearable Flatable Futon Suit $89.
Mark's News of the Weird: Woman's tweet gets her thrown off JetBlue. Corey Simms bids $7000 on a Hammock on Price is Right. Distance Dolls help people separated.
#QuestionOfTheDay: Viewer Dennis Cook wanted to know What's the worst thing you've ever eaten.
5am Club Member of the Day: Jon Cartwright
Jason Truck Tracker Update: Show update
430/5am Recap:
Cody was the leader of the Clubhouse in Show and Tell with an inflatable Futon Suit. Mark's News of the Weird talked about a guy who bid $7000 on a hammock on Price is Right. 5am Club Member was introduced. Viewer Dennis Cook wanted to know what was the worst thing ever eaten. Today's Show us yours was TBT Halloween Costumes. Jason gave a show update.
430/5am News Block:
Ju: Tabata
Looking to change up your workout? Have you tried tabata? Tabata what? Julissa told us what it was
Jamee Pau Fit
920 Reserve Drive # 180
Roseville, CA 95678
Jason: Truck Tracker Part 2:
Mel: Adult Costumes
Listen up if you’re heading to a Halloween party this year!! Be a party dude not a party dud with a hot costume! Mel checked out what’s hot and what’s not in adult and teen wear live from Party City in Roseville! PLUS how to get a coupon!
Party City
6736 Stanford Ranch Rd
Roseville, CA
Courtney: Products that are benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness in today's Check This Out
http://www.sparklingice.com/ Pink Drink and donating $25,000
http://www.coyuchi.com/natural.html Donating 10% of sales
http://www.bcaction.org/ Donating 100% of proceeds from Balm
http://www.janeiredale.com/ Hydration Spray 100% of the Proceeds
6am Recap:
In today's Check This Out Courtney told of 4 companies giving back to Breast Cancer Awareness. Melissa was at Party City checking out costumes for adults. Julissa was in Roseville learning Tabata Workout.
6am News Block:
Mark/Ken: Men Women and Children.
Today Mark and Ken talked with Judy Greer about her new movie Men, Women, and Children coming to theaters October 17th
Mark: Infotainment Part 1 Talked with Jessica Chastain about her new movie. All Women Ghostbusters in the works, Cody had a really good idea instead of a total reboot the girls buy the franchise and one of the original hand over the business to them.
Ju: Fashionable ideas for Mothers to Be
Today Julissa was at Downtown Macy's checking out fashionable ideas for Moms to be.
Ken/Mark: Chris Hart talked about the Zombie Train. Courtney and Jason will be taking the train later today.
Zombie Train
400 North Harbor
West Sacramento, CA 95605.
Kristin: BloodSource:
Kristin was in Granite Bay checking out the new Bloodsource facility and how blood, and plasma help save lives.
Ken/Mark: DIY Halloween Costumes.
7am Recap:
Zombies attacked the studio today as they talked about the Zombie Train. Mark had infotainment. Mark and Ken talked to Judy Greer about her new movie coming out. Julissa was checking out fashionable clothes for moms to be. Kristin was checking out Bloodsource new facility. Mark and Ken showed DIY Costumes.
7am News Block:
Courtney: Fit for the Cure
Today, Macy’s/Sunrise/Birdcage 11am-5pm
Tomorrow, Macy’s/Arden Fair 11am-5pm
Pick your Costume:
Melissa was in Rocklin at a local Elementary school as a group of kids picked their favorite Halloween Costume provided by Party City.
Teens Tunes: 1995
#9amtopic: Should passing a personality test be a job requirement.
Tina: Banshees:
Tina was with an all girl musical group fighting back against bullies through music. The Banshees took the Good Day Stage.
Cody: Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm
1415 Pumpkin Ln
Wheatland, CA
Courtney/Jason: Ride the Zombie Train
400 North Harbor
West Sacramento, CA 95605.
8am Recap:
What a way to end the hour with Courtney and Jason on board the Zombie Train when they sprung into action to fight them off. Banshees took the Good Day stage to deliver a message through music to bullies. Cody was at Bishops Pumpkin Farm riding the Merry Go Round. Teen's Tunes was played. Melissa was in Rocklin letting kids pick their favorite Halloween Costumes.
8am News Block:
Cody making friends at the Bishop Pumpkin Farm.
Tina: Banshees perform another song.
Mel: Salsa-Off!
It’s our own mini (low budget) version of Dancing with the Stars! Melissa has 1 hour to sizzle doing the salsa! She was live at Arthur Murray dance studio in Carmichael this morning.
Arthur Murray Carmichael
4141 Manzanita Ave. Ste. 200
Carmichael, CA
Gina from Thrift Town...
5005 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 9164540435 Open till 9 PM
Thrift Town 6328 Fair Oaks Blvd. Carmichael, CA 95608 Corner of Marconi & Fair Oaks 9164800312
http://www.thrifttown.com Today's topic Halloween Decoration ideas
Tina: Mason Jar Salads with Whole Foods
Whole Foods with Stephanie Dodds
Workshops every Wednesday
4315 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95864
Hours: 7am to 9pm seven days a week
Courtney/Jason: Fight off Zombies at Mecca Club
Ken's Manly Minute: 5 Ways To Cleanse
Toxins can accumulate in your blood; thus, detoxification consists in removing these unfriendly substances from your bloodstream. The liver plays a major role in this procedure since it processes impurities in the blood for elimination. The kidneys, intestines, skin, lymph, and lungs also purge toxins, but when the entire system isn't functioning properly, the cleansing process isn't effective; hence the benefit of detoxifying your entire body.
While you shouldn't go overboard with detoxification programs, a short detox period, or even a few simple changes in your lifestyle, can help to eliminate toxins and impurities from your body. In little time, you will feel and look better, both physically and mentally. Juice Fast. Herbal Detox. Detox Bath. Bowl Cleanse. Probiotics .
#FinalQuestionoftheDay: One word to describe your personality.
9am Recap:
Zombies tried to take over the Mecca Club and Jason and Courtney came to the rescue. Tina talked Raw foods with Whole Foods. Gina from Thrift Town was in showing Halloween Decoration ideas. Cody continued from Bishops Farm with a cow. Banshees performed another song and Melissa learned how to Salsa Dance. Ken is getting ready to cleanse and told 5 ways to do it.
9am News Block:
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
Photos: Good Day Sacramento.
Final Recap:
Best of the Rest:
Julissa was in Roseville at Jamee Pau Fit where she was learning the workout of Tabata. This unique workout will have your entire body sore when you are done. Are You Game? Give Jamee a try and enjoy your workout.
Adult Costumes:
Melissa was in Roseville today at Party City checking out costumes for adults. Like the kids Super Heroes are the popular choice for men.
Check This Out for a Cause:
Today's Check this out was about 4 different companies donating to Breast Cancer Awareness. This is such a GREAT step for these 4 companies to do what they are doing. Here is a list of those covered today.
http://www.sparklingice.com/ Pink Drink and donating $25,000
http://www.coyuchi.com/natural.html Donating 10% of sales
http://www.bcaction.org/ Donating 100% of proceeds from Balm
http://www.janeiredale.com/ Hydration Spray 100% of the Proceeds
Men Women and Children.
Today Mark and Ken talked with Judy Greer about her new movie Men, Women, and Children coming to theaters October 17th
Fashionable ideas for Mothers to Be
Today Julissa was at Downtown Macy's checking out fashionable ideas for Moms to be.
Kristin was in Granite Bay checking out the new Bloodsource facility and how blood, and plasma help save lives.
Fit For The Cure:
Woman? Do you feel like you're wearing the wrong size bra? Today on Good Day Courtney got tips from an expert (Jeanette) and if you want to help in Breast Cancer Awareness they are having 2 events today and tomorrow that will help you get the right size and help Breast Cancer Awareness at the same time.
Pick your Costume:
Melissa was in Rocklin at a local Elementary school as a group of kids picked their favorite Halloween Costume provided by Party City.
Tina was with an all girl musical group fighting back against bully's through music. The Banshees took the Good Day Stage for 2 songs.
Bishop Pumpkin Farm:
Cody was in Wheatland today hanging out at Bishop Pumpkin Farm. He started off riding on the Merry Go Round. Then he took a picture with a cow.
Melissa was in Salsa learning the art of the dance at Arthur Dance Studio in Carmichael
Thrift Town:
Gina was in studio for yet another GREAT DIY Thursday project with Halloween Decoration ideas.
Whole Foods
Stephanie Dodd from Whole Foods was in studio showing Tina how to eat raw foods. Today Stephanie made Mason Jar Salads.
Good Day Nutshell:
In Mark's News of the Weird a man bid $7000 on a hammock on the Price is Right. I got some news for you fella, You are WAY over bidding.
Manly Minute Cleanse:
Today's Manly Minute talked about 5 different ways to cleanse your body of toxins. Those tips include... Juice Fast. Herbal Detox. Detox Bath. Bowl Cleanse. Probiotics .
Put on your dancing shoes as we dance into the weekend and turn over the controls to Cody and Melissa Saturday and Cody and Lori Sunday. The show begins bright and early at 430am so tune in and have 5 1/2 hours of fun filled news entertainment.
What To Look Forward To This Week:
Dance Party:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Melissa:
Melissa's Coupon Corner
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Lori:
Ask Eleanor:
Dishin With Tina at...
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac https://twitter.com/GoodDaySac
Good Day Weekend https://twitter.com/GoodDayWeekend
Cambi Brown https://twitter.com/cambibrown
Cody Stark http://twitter.com/@TVcody
Courtney Dempsey http://twitter.com/gooddaycourtney
Julissa Ortiz http://twitter.com/@tvTina_Ju
Ken Rudulph http://twitter.com/@GoodDayKenR
Kristin Marshall http://twitter.com/@kris10marshall
Lori Wallace http://twitter.com/@TVloriwallace
Marianne McClary http://twitter.com/@gooddaymarianne
Mark S. Allen http://twitter.com/@tvmarksallen
Melissa Cabral http://twitter.com/@gooddaymelissa
Sean Bennett http://twitter.com/@tvseanb
Tina Macuha http://twitter.com/@tvTina_Ju or https://twitter.com/TinaMacuha
Nina Hajian https://twitter.com/NinaOnAirNOW
Heather Brent https://twitter.com/heather_brent
Good Day Traffic https://twitter.com/GoodDayTraffic
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
Email: mbd22803@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mbd22803
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/norcalnewsblog?fref=tck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/norcalnewsblog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcap22803a
Favorite Story / Story of the Day: Zombies Storm Good Day
Our story today takes place in the 7am, 8an and 9am of Good Day Sacramento in real time..
Starting off in the 7am hour Chris Hart talked about the Zombie Train and how it has been attacking folks in West Sacramento because Courtney and Jason will be taking the train later today.
Cody was able to escape but Mark was taking a phone call in the 7am hour and they took him. The Zombies took Mark and was never seen from again until....
Like a GREAT Western or something Courtney and Jason wanted to take a nice train ride to relax but that got interrupted when Zombies tried to attack them. They appeared to stop them all so decided to head to the Mecca Club to celebrate when only Jason spotted more Zombies inside. Courtney and Jason again sprung into action getting rid of all but one who escaped and headed to the Good Day Studios. When the cameras faded to black Zombie Mark was seen attacking Laura Skirde...
Will Laura escape or will she become one of them. Find out tomorrow on Good Day and for the rest of what took place Today in the News....
Please Like Mark at the Movies on Facebook
Mark at the Movies Tumblr:
Follow Good Day Sacramento on Instagram.... http://instagram.com/gooddaysac
Live, breathe, and love soccer? Sign up your kids' team for this Roseville-area fundraiser tourney 10/11-12 to help kids and their families who are battling cancer.
Julia Stanley-Metz created the “Wavy Mango and Salsa Potato Chips." She has made it to one of the final 4 finalists for a $1 million grand prize from Lay’s. You can vote daily until October 18th athttp://dousaflavor.com/ You can also vote on Instagram with #SaveMango. A Message from Julia: Will you pls support me by Retweeting this message and texting "mango" to 24477 daily?
To follow Julia and her progress you can like her Facebook page and Follow her on Twitter at Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/LaysWavyMangoSalsa
News You Can Use / Today's Top Stories
Applegate Fire continues burning.
Dixon HS Student shoots at police
5 US Airports will test for Ebola
Good Day Sacramento:
Show Us Yours: TBT Halloween Costumes
Show & Tell: Cody: A Wearable Flatable Futon Suit $89.
Mark's News of the Weird: Woman's tweet gets her thrown off JetBlue. Corey Simms bids $7000 on a Hammock on Price is Right. Distance Dolls help people separated.
#QuestionOfTheDay: Viewer Dennis Cook wanted to know What's the worst thing you've ever eaten.
5am Club Member of the Day: Jon Cartwright
Jason Truck Tracker Update: Show update
430/5am Recap:
Cody was the leader of the Clubhouse in Show and Tell with an inflatable Futon Suit. Mark's News of the Weird talked about a guy who bid $7000 on a hammock on Price is Right. 5am Club Member was introduced. Viewer Dennis Cook wanted to know what was the worst thing ever eaten. Today's Show us yours was TBT Halloween Costumes. Jason gave a show update.
430/5am News Block:
Ju: Tabata
Looking to change up your workout? Have you tried tabata? Tabata what? Julissa told us what it was
Jamee Pau Fit
920 Reserve Drive # 180
Roseville, CA 95678
Jason: Truck Tracker Part 2:
Mel: Adult Costumes
Listen up if you’re heading to a Halloween party this year!! Be a party dude not a party dud with a hot costume! Mel checked out what’s hot and what’s not in adult and teen wear live from Party City in Roseville! PLUS how to get a coupon!
Party City
6736 Stanford Ranch Rd
Roseville, CA
Courtney: Products that are benefiting Breast Cancer Awareness in today's Check This Out
http://www.sparklingice.com/ Pink Drink and donating $25,000
http://www.coyuchi.com/natural.html Donating 10% of sales
http://www.bcaction.org/ Donating 100% of proceeds from Balm
http://www.janeiredale.com/ Hydration Spray 100% of the Proceeds
6am Recap:
In today's Check This Out Courtney told of 4 companies giving back to Breast Cancer Awareness. Melissa was at Party City checking out costumes for adults. Julissa was in Roseville learning Tabata Workout.
6am News Block:
Mark/Ken: Men Women and Children.
Today Mark and Ken talked with Judy Greer about her new movie Men, Women, and Children coming to theaters October 17th
Mark: Infotainment Part 1 Talked with Jessica Chastain about her new movie. All Women Ghostbusters in the works, Cody had a really good idea instead of a total reboot the girls buy the franchise and one of the original hand over the business to them.
Ju: Fashionable ideas for Mothers to Be
Today Julissa was at Downtown Macy's checking out fashionable ideas for Moms to be.
Ken/Mark: Chris Hart talked about the Zombie Train. Courtney and Jason will be taking the train later today.
Zombie Train
400 North Harbor
West Sacramento, CA 95605.
Kristin: BloodSource:
Kristin was in Granite Bay checking out the new Bloodsource facility and how blood, and plasma help save lives.
Ken/Mark: DIY Halloween Costumes.
7am Recap:
Zombies attacked the studio today as they talked about the Zombie Train. Mark had infotainment. Mark and Ken talked to Judy Greer about her new movie coming out. Julissa was checking out fashionable clothes for moms to be. Kristin was checking out Bloodsource new facility. Mark and Ken showed DIY Costumes.
7am News Block:
Courtney: Fit for the Cure
Today, Macy’s/Sunrise/Birdcage 11am-5pm
Tomorrow, Macy’s/Arden Fair 11am-5pm
Pick your Costume:
Melissa was in Rocklin at a local Elementary school as a group of kids picked their favorite Halloween Costume provided by Party City.
Teens Tunes: 1995
#9amtopic: Should passing a personality test be a job requirement.
Tina: Banshees:
Tina was with an all girl musical group fighting back against bullies through music. The Banshees took the Good Day Stage.
Cody: Bishop’s Pumpkin Farm
1415 Pumpkin Ln
Wheatland, CA
Courtney/Jason: Ride the Zombie Train
400 North Harbor
West Sacramento, CA 95605.
8am Recap:
What a way to end the hour with Courtney and Jason on board the Zombie Train when they sprung into action to fight them off. Banshees took the Good Day stage to deliver a message through music to bullies. Cody was at Bishops Pumpkin Farm riding the Merry Go Round. Teen's Tunes was played. Melissa was in Rocklin letting kids pick their favorite Halloween Costumes.
8am News Block:
Cody making friends at the Bishop Pumpkin Farm.
Tina: Banshees perform another song.
Mel: Salsa-Off!
It’s our own mini (low budget) version of Dancing with the Stars! Melissa has 1 hour to sizzle doing the salsa! She was live at Arthur Murray dance studio in Carmichael this morning.
Arthur Murray Carmichael
4141 Manzanita Ave. Ste. 200
Carmichael, CA
Gina from Thrift Town...
5005 Stockton Blvd, Sacramento, CA 9164540435 Open till 9 PM
Thrift Town 6328 Fair Oaks Blvd. Carmichael, CA 95608 Corner of Marconi & Fair Oaks 9164800312
http://www.thrifttown.com Today's topic Halloween Decoration ideas
Tina: Mason Jar Salads with Whole Foods
Whole Foods with Stephanie Dodds
Workshops every Wednesday
4315 Arden Way
Sacramento, CA 95864
Hours: 7am to 9pm seven days a week
Courtney/Jason: Fight off Zombies at Mecca Club
Ken's Manly Minute: 5 Ways To Cleanse
Toxins can accumulate in your blood; thus, detoxification consists in removing these unfriendly substances from your bloodstream. The liver plays a major role in this procedure since it processes impurities in the blood for elimination. The kidneys, intestines, skin, lymph, and lungs also purge toxins, but when the entire system isn't functioning properly, the cleansing process isn't effective; hence the benefit of detoxifying your entire body.
While you shouldn't go overboard with detoxification programs, a short detox period, or even a few simple changes in your lifestyle, can help to eliminate toxins and impurities from your body. In little time, you will feel and look better, both physically and mentally. Juice Fast. Herbal Detox. Detox Bath. Bowl Cleanse. Probiotics .
#FinalQuestionoftheDay: One word to describe your personality.
9am Recap:
Zombies tried to take over the Mecca Club and Jason and Courtney came to the rescue. Tina talked Raw foods with Whole Foods. Gina from Thrift Town was in showing Halloween Decoration ideas. Cody continued from Bishops Farm with a cow. Banshees performed another song and Melissa learned how to Salsa Dance. Ken is getting ready to cleanse and told 5 ways to do it.
9am News Block:
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
Photos: Good Day Sacramento.
Final Recap:
Best of the Rest:
Julissa was in Roseville at Jamee Pau Fit where she was learning the workout of Tabata. This unique workout will have your entire body sore when you are done. Are You Game? Give Jamee a try and enjoy your workout.
Adult Costumes:
Melissa was in Roseville today at Party City checking out costumes for adults. Like the kids Super Heroes are the popular choice for men.
Check This Out for a Cause:
Today's Check this out was about 4 different companies donating to Breast Cancer Awareness. This is such a GREAT step for these 4 companies to do what they are doing. Here is a list of those covered today.
http://www.sparklingice.com/ Pink Drink and donating $25,000
http://www.coyuchi.com/natural.html Donating 10% of sales
http://www.bcaction.org/ Donating 100% of proceeds from Balm
http://www.janeiredale.com/ Hydration Spray 100% of the Proceeds
Men Women and Children.
Today Mark and Ken talked with Judy Greer about her new movie Men, Women, and Children coming to theaters October 17th
Fashionable ideas for Mothers to Be
Today Julissa was at Downtown Macy's checking out fashionable ideas for Moms to be.
Kristin was in Granite Bay checking out the new Bloodsource facility and how blood, and plasma help save lives.
Fit For The Cure:
Woman? Do you feel like you're wearing the wrong size bra? Today on Good Day Courtney got tips from an expert (Jeanette) and if you want to help in Breast Cancer Awareness they are having 2 events today and tomorrow that will help you get the right size and help Breast Cancer Awareness at the same time.
Pick your Costume:
Melissa was in Rocklin at a local Elementary school as a group of kids picked their favorite Halloween Costume provided by Party City.
Tina was with an all girl musical group fighting back against bully's through music. The Banshees took the Good Day Stage for 2 songs.
Bishop Pumpkin Farm:
Cody was in Wheatland today hanging out at Bishop Pumpkin Farm. He started off riding on the Merry Go Round. Then he took a picture with a cow.
Melissa was in Salsa learning the art of the dance at Arthur Dance Studio in Carmichael
Thrift Town:
Gina was in studio for yet another GREAT DIY Thursday project with Halloween Decoration ideas.
Whole Foods
Stephanie Dodd from Whole Foods was in studio showing Tina how to eat raw foods. Today Stephanie made Mason Jar Salads.
Good Day Nutshell:
In Mark's News of the Weird a man bid $7000 on a hammock on the Price is Right. I got some news for you fella, You are WAY over bidding.
Manly Minute Cleanse:
Today's Manly Minute talked about 5 different ways to cleanse your body of toxins. Those tips include... Juice Fast. Herbal Detox. Detox Bath. Bowl Cleanse. Probiotics .
Put on your dancing shoes as we dance into the weekend and turn over the controls to Cody and Melissa Saturday and Cody and Lori Sunday. The show begins bright and early at 430am so tune in and have 5 1/2 hours of fun filled news entertainment.
What To Look Forward To This Week:
Dance Party:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Melissa:
Melissa's Coupon Corner
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody & Lori:
Ask Eleanor:
Dishin With Tina at...
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac https://twitter.com/GoodDaySac
Good Day Weekend https://twitter.com/GoodDayWeekend
Cambi Brown https://twitter.com/cambibrown
Cody Stark http://twitter.com/@TVcody
Courtney Dempsey http://twitter.com/gooddaycourtney
Julissa Ortiz http://twitter.com/@tvTina_Ju
Ken Rudulph http://twitter.com/@GoodDayKenR
Kristin Marshall http://twitter.com/@kris10marshall
Lori Wallace http://twitter.com/@TVloriwallace
Marianne McClary http://twitter.com/@gooddaymarianne
Mark S. Allen http://twitter.com/@tvmarksallen
Melissa Cabral http://twitter.com/@gooddaymelissa
Sean Bennett http://twitter.com/@tvseanb
Tina Macuha http://twitter.com/@tvTina_Ju or https://twitter.com/TinaMacuha
Nina Hajian https://twitter.com/NinaOnAirNOW
Heather Brent https://twitter.com/heather_brent
Good Day Traffic https://twitter.com/GoodDayTraffic
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
Email: mbd22803@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mbd22803
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/norcalnewsblog?fref=tck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/norcalnewsblog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dcap22803a
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