Today in the news:
Today's top topics on the local shows were about the ongoing Sacramento Kings Saga, OJ Simpson attempting to get a retrial from his robbery conviction & the murder of the 8 year old girl by her 12 year old brother.
Also on Good Day Sacramento
5am topic: What do you want to be remembered for....
5am club member of day Beverly Bell of Sacramento.
Mark S Allen participated in Sharkfest in the SF Bay swimming from Alcatraz Island to the beach. However Mark realized his body could not handle the water and decided to return to the boat after 17 minutes. A very smart & educated decision that can be learned by all.
Amy introduced the viewers to IHops new flavored French Toast.
Courtney introduced us to the men participating in the May 31st Tuskegee Airman Omega Open at Whitney Oaks Golf Club
Amy does & don'ts of a first date in fashion
Courts tunes a spin off of Teens tunes where music clips are played and the anchors/reporters name that tune and artist.
Kristin is finding out the sex of a local woman's 5th child after having 4 girls this time she is having.... A girl once again.
#9amtopic It's embarrassing but my parents still pay for....
Final farewell of the big band era 5-19 1-5pm Elks Lodge 6446 riverside blvd Sacramento
The final round robin question of the day.... I was going to.... Then came to senses? This question closes out show with cast answering.
Fox 40 Don't be that guy segment... Pet Peeves: Break room rule breakers keeping it dirty taking others food
In the 9 fox40 moves anchors to a red couch to deliver the news
With the world in my heart may tomorrow bring me lots of gifts :) (Birthday)
Today's top topics on the local shows were about the ongoing Sacramento Kings Saga, OJ Simpson attempting to get a retrial from his robbery conviction & the murder of the 8 year old girl by her 12 year old brother.
Also on Good Day Sacramento
5am topic: What do you want to be remembered for....
5am club member of day Beverly Bell of Sacramento.
Mark S Allen participated in Sharkfest in the SF Bay swimming from Alcatraz Island to the beach. However Mark realized his body could not handle the water and decided to return to the boat after 17 minutes. A very smart & educated decision that can be learned by all.
Amy introduced the viewers to IHops new flavored French Toast.
Courtney introduced us to the men participating in the May 31st Tuskegee Airman Omega Open at Whitney Oaks Golf Club
Amy does & don'ts of a first date in fashion
Courts tunes a spin off of Teens tunes where music clips are played and the anchors/reporters name that tune and artist.
Kristin is finding out the sex of a local woman's 5th child after having 4 girls this time she is having.... A girl once again.
#9amtopic It's embarrassing but my parents still pay for....
Final farewell of the big band era 5-19 1-5pm Elks Lodge 6446 riverside blvd Sacramento
The final round robin question of the day.... I was going to.... Then came to senses? This question closes out show with cast answering.
Fox 40 Don't be that guy segment... Pet Peeves: Break room rule breakers keeping it dirty taking others food
In the 9 fox40 moves anchors to a red couch to deliver the news
With the world in my heart may tomorrow bring me lots of gifts :) (Birthday)
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