#StonesGiveBack #EdgeStudios #Survivor #ToothFairy #CultureCenter #SigningDay #BeautyBar and More Today in the News
#StonesGiveBack #EdgeStudios #Survivor #ToothFairy #CultureCenter #SigningDay #BeautyBar and More Today in the News 2/28/2018 Cambi was at Stones Gambling Hall where they will be donating $100 per every person who visits today to Weave Inc. Cambi was getting a preview of the Mills Station Arts and Culture Center (MACC) Grand Opening taking place today from 5-8pm. Cambi was with Destiny checking out My Beauty Bar where it's a 1 Stop Shop for your Beauty Needs. Julissa was at Smile Island Pediatric & Adult Dental Group checking things out. Bethany was at Edge Studios as they get ready for their GRAND Opening that offers Health and Fitness with yoga climb machines and more It's Signing Day for Students at Franklin HS in the EGUSD and today Alisa was there to find out where they will be heading to College. Alisa continued from Franklin HS with the Media students who have a new state of the art studio and had their parents take part in the media class with them. Tina talked wi...