#LifestyleExperts #GivingTree #CagedMotorcycles #GiveBack #Robotics #Crafts #SelfDefense and more Today in the News
#LifestyleExperts #GivingTree #CagedMotorcycles #GiveBack #Robotics #Crafts #SelfDefense and more Today in the News 12/9/2017
Today's Recap:
Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target. Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am. Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts
Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohl's. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit and DIY Holiday Treats. Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove. Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics. Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends.
Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas. Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run. Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank. Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs. Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc. Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th. Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico. Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event. Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
For all these stories and more this is #LifestyleExperts #GivingTree #CagedMotorcycles #GiveBack #Robotics #Crafts #SelfDefense and more Today in the News
Special Announcements:
Show Us Yours: Christmas Card
#GdsJustCurious: They never write songs about
Cambi: Shop With a Doc
Today on Good Day Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohls.
https://healthy. kaiserpermanente.org/
https://www.facebook.com/ kpthrive
https://www.instagram.com/ kpthrive/
https://twitter.com/ kpgreatersac
Segment Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=lBFI7UJbeps
Alisa: Shop With A Cop
Today on Good Day Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target.
http://www.roseville.ca.us/ police/
https://www.facebook.com/ RosevilleCaliforniaPolice/
https://twitter.com/RSVL_ Police
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7SAUnE0n8Lo
Tina: Snowball Express
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas
https://www.snowballexpress. org/about/
https://www.facebook.com/ SnowballExpressUSA
https://twitter.com/ SnowballExpress
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=P2PP3RCNHvQ
Cambi: Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit and DIY Holiday Treats
Segment Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=oSaIXYNgY7w
7am Recap:
Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohl's. Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target. Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit.
7am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775252- citrus-heights-robbery-arrest/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775267- california-wildfires/
Libier Part 2
Libier was back with DIY Holiday Treats
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=X1V_TIx1His
Cambi: Kids Baking Competition
Today on Good Day Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove
Old Sugar Mill 35265 Willow Ave, Clarksburg, CA
http://www.facebook.com/pages/ Rendez-Vous-Winery/ 238107249602491
https://instagram.com/rendez. vouswinery/
http://twitter.com/ RendezVousWines
Valley Oaks Appliance 9710 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
http://www.facebook.com/ ValleyOakAppliance
http://twitter.com/ valleyoakapp
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TkpWDQYQ2jk
Tina: Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run
Saturday, December 9
https://www.facebook.com/ RanchoCordovaPAL
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=KwxWQgY8KVM
Tina: “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank
1414 E. Covell Boulevard, Davis
Saturday, December 9th (9am – 3pm)
https://www.facebook.com/ nuggetmarkets/
https://www.instagram.com/ nuggetmarkets/
https://twitter.com/Nugget_ Market/
https://twitter.com/ ASUCDUnitrans
https://twitter.com/ YoloFoodBank
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=c9zRf8IC4X8
Tina: Bonnie from Triad
Today on Good Day Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs
Classes Available
Triad Plus 8801 Washington Blvd Roseville, CA (916) 788-4350
http://www. triadplushomefashions.com/
https://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id= 100007945993639&fref=ts
https://twitter.com/ TriadPlusFabri1
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=A2HXlfT0jl4
Alisa: Shop With A Cop Part 2
Alisa continued with Shop With A Cop with a Parade for the Kids to Target.
Segment Video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TdaZLvgTb3E
8am Recap:
Libier was back with DIY Holiday Treats. Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove. Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run. Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank. Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs. Alisa continued with Shop With A Cop with a Parade for the Kids to Target.
8am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775273- san-francisco-bus-crash/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775286- trump-civil-rights-speech/
Tina: Free Self-Defense Seminar
Today on Good Day Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc.
5728 Folsom Blvd., Suite A, Sacramento, CA
Dec 9, 2017 at 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
https://www. dragonfiremartialarts.net/
https://www.facebook.com/ Dragon-Fire-Martial-Arts-Inc- 131383696899030/?ref=bookmarks
Segment Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LJzAES_z_Gk
Cambi: Kibo: Robot Kits for Kids
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics
For children over 4
http://kinderlabrobotics.com/ kibo/
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/KinderLab-Robotics/ 508066589316384
https://twitter.com/ KinderLabRobot
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Ju2gS5-qFNM
Tina: Caged Speeding Motorcycles
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th
1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA
http://www.globalwonderland. com
http://www.facebook.com/ globalwinterwonderland
http://instagram.com/ globalwonderland/
http://twitter.com/ GlobalWonderlnd
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=4zhiOZah_3g
Cambi: Giving Tree Sorting Party
Today on Good Day Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party.
http://www.kyleesgivingtree. org/?page_id=17
http://www.kyleesgivingtree. org/
https://www.facebook.com/ kyleesgivingtree/
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=kpizp0Jht5I
Alisa: Armored Combat League
Today on Good Day Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am
800 All America City Blvd Roseville, CA
GA: $10 Children 5-11 years $5 Seniors, police, fire & military $5
http://www.placertourism.com/ events/ 2017armoredcombatleaguewestern conferencechampionship
https://www.facebook.com/ placertourism
http://twitter.com/ placertourism
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=RJiAyfyBpRs
Teens Tunes - 90's
Segment Video:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775311- teens-tune-weekend-edition/
9am Recap:
Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc. Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics. Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th. Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party. Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am
9am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775298- matsui-silver-alert/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775306- alex-kozinski-allegations/
Tina: Fundraiser for Puerto Rico
Today on Good Day Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico.
2791 24th St, Sacramento, CA
Saturday, December 9th (6pm-10pm)
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TEE46eckPNc
Segment Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7WYRSlv2re8
Cambi: Justine Santaniello
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends
https://www.facebook.com/ SantanielloJustine
https://instagram.com/ JustineSantaniello
https://twitter.com/ jnsantaniello
Segment Video
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=wBlzSJrWloM
Tina: Love Our City Christmas Event
Today on Good Day Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event.
6850 Five Star Blvd. Rocklin, CA
Saturday, December 9th (9:30-12:30pm) & (3:30pm-6:30pm)
Sunday, December 10th (3:30pm-6:30pm)
Destiny Community Center
http://www. destinycommunitycenter.com
https://www.facebook.com/ destinycommunityservices/? fref=ts
http://instagram.com/ destinycommunitycenter.com
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=g6CJDzxkfh8
Cambi had today's Hot Headlines
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=tOX-vwy0zyY
Alisa: Lost But Not Forgotten
Today on Good Day Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts
Accepting Donations
In-Person: RPAL Gym, Saturday, December 9th 10am-5pm
Mail: 110 Corporation Yard Road, Roseville, CA
Attention: Lost But Not Forgotten
https://www.facebook.com/ lostbutnotforgottenprogram/
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=4En9vSFgNhI
Tina: Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
Saturday, December 9th (11am-5pm)
Tickets: $13 at the Door
12 and under – FREE
http://www.tranzformationpr. com/upcoming/
https://www.facebook.com/ tranzformationpr
Segment Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qIAkZUvwhTc
10am Recap:
Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends. Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico. Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts. Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
10am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775312- good-day-weekend-10am/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3775319- yin-wong-identified/
Please tune into tomorrow's Good Day with Cambi Tina Linda and the Weekend Crew on CW31 7-11a Tina is Dishin and more including Ghirardelli Chocolate Sale. Plant Lady. Science Sunday.
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
https://www.facebook.com/ GoodDaySacramento?hc_location= stream
Www.gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/category/show- info/
https://www.facebook.com/ CBSSacramento
http://instagram.com/ gooddaysac
Photos: Good Day Sacramento
What's Ahead:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cambi Tina Linda and the Weekend Crew 7-11a
Dishin With Tina at
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac
Good Day Weekend
https://twitter.com/ GoodDayWeekend
Cambi Brown
Cody Stark
Courtney Dempsey
http://twitter.com/ gooddaycourtney
Julissa Ortiz
https://twitter.com/@ tvJulissa_tina
Ken Rudulph
http://twitter.com/@ GoodDayKenR
Marianne McClary
http://twitter.com/@ gooddaymarianne
Sean Bennett
Tina Macuha
https://twitter.com/@ tinamacuha
Good Day Traffic:
https://twitter.com/ GoodDayTraffic
Bethany Crouch:
https://twitter.com/ BethanyCrouchTV
Alisa Becerra
https://twitter.com/ Alisabecerra
Good Day Sac Gifs
https://twitter.com/ GoodDaySacGifs
Dina Kupfer
Good Day Video Page:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.co/video/
Good Day YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/c/ GoodDaySacramento
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
https://www.facebook.com/ mbd22803
Facebook Fan Page:
https://www.facebook.com/ norcalnewsblog?fref=tck
https://twitter.com/ norcalnewsblog
Today's Recap:
Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target. Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am. Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts
Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohl's. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit and DIY Holiday Treats. Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove. Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics. Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends.
Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas. Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run. Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank. Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs. Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc. Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th. Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico. Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event. Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
For all these stories and more this is #LifestyleExperts #GivingTree #CagedMotorcycles #GiveBack #Robotics #Crafts #SelfDefense and more Today in the News
Special Announcements:
Show Us Yours: Christmas Card
#GdsJustCurious: They never write songs about
Cambi: Shop With a Doc
Today on Good Day Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohls.
Segment Video
Alisa: Shop With A Cop
Today on Good Day Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target.
Segment Video:
Tina: Snowball Express
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas
Segment Video:
Cambi: Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit and DIY Holiday Treats
Segment Video
7am Recap:
Cambi and Tina talked with Dr. Rob to learn how local children got to Shop With A Doc from Kaiser at Kohl's. Alisa was in Roseville where local PD and other agencies came together to help kids Shop With A Cop at Target. Tina and Cambi talked with Artis Riley about Snowball Express where they honor children who of fallen parents by giving them a trip to Texas. Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert, Libier Reynolds helping you pick out your Holiday Party Outfit.
7am News Block:
Libier Part 2
Libier was back with DIY Holiday Treats
Segment Video:
Cambi: Kids Baking Competition
Today on Good Day Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove
Old Sugar Mill 35265 Willow Ave, Clarksburg, CA
Valley Oaks Appliance 9710 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624
Segment Video:
Tina: Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run
Saturday, December 9
Segment Video:
Tina: “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank
1414 E. Covell Boulevard, Davis
Saturday, December 9th (9am – 3pm)
Segment Video:
Tina: Bonnie from Triad
Today on Good Day Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs
Classes Available
Triad Plus 8801 Washington Blvd Roseville, CA (916) 788-4350
Segment Video:
Alisa: Shop With A Cop Part 2
Alisa continued with Shop With A Cop with a Parade for the Kids to Target.
Segment Video.
8am Recap:
Libier was back with DIY Holiday Treats. Cambi was getting a preview of Rendezvous Winery Kids Bake Off Competition taking place today at Valley Oak Appliance Elk Grove. Tina and Cambi talked with Vanessa Johnson getting a preview of the Rancho Cordova PAL Holiday Run. Tina and Cambi talked with Dave Welch from Unitrans at Nugget Market in Davis where they are holding a “Stuff the Bus” for Yolo County Holiday Food Drive to benefit the Yolo Food Bank. Tina was with Bonnie from Triad Plus who showed how to make Fireplace Mantle Scarfs. Alisa continued with Shop With A Cop with a Parade for the Kids to Target.
8am News Block:
Tina: Free Self-Defense Seminar
Today on Good Day Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc.
5728 Folsom Blvd., Suite A, Sacramento, CA
Dec 9, 2017 at 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Segment Video
Cambi: Kibo: Robot Kits for Kids
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics
For children over 4
Segment Video:
Tina: Caged Speeding Motorcycles
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th
1600 Exposition Blvd., Sacramento, CA
Segment Video:
Cambi: Giving Tree Sorting Party
Today on Good Day Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party.
Segment Video:
Alisa: Armored Combat League
Today on Good Day Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am
800 All America City Blvd Roseville, CA
GA: $10 Children 5-11 years $5 Seniors, police, fire & military $5
Segment Video:
Teens Tunes - 90's
Segment Video:
9am Recap:
Tina was with Lois who is offering a FREE Self Defense Seminar at Dragon Fire Martial Arts, Inc. Cambi was with Jeff Miller checking out Kinderlab Robotics. Tina and Cambi checked in at Global Winter Wonderland with a preview of Caged Speeding Motorcycles Now - Jan 7th. Cambi and Tina talked with Tracy getting a preview of the Kylee Lillich Giving Tree Sorting Party. Alisa was getting a preview of the Placer Valley Tourism Armored Combat League today - Sunday at 10am
9am News Block:
Tina: Fundraiser for Puerto Rico
Today on Good Day Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico.
2791 24th St, Sacramento, CA
Saturday, December 9th (6pm-10pm)
Segment Video
Cambi: Justine Santaniello
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends
Segment Video
Tina: Love Our City Christmas Event
Today on Good Day Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event.
6850 Five Star Blvd. Rocklin, CA
Saturday, December 9th (9:30-12:30pm) & (3:30pm-6:30pm)
Sunday, December 10th (3:30pm-6:30pm)
Destiny Community Center
Segment Video:
Cambi had today's Hot Headlines
Segment Video:
Alisa: Lost But Not Forgotten
Today on Good Day Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts
Accepting Donations
In-Person: RPAL Gym, Saturday, December 9th 10am-5pm
Mail: 110 Corporation Yard Road, Roseville, CA
Attention: Lost But Not Forgotten
Segment Video:
Tina: Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo
Today on Good Day Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
Saturday, December 9th (11am-5pm)
Tickets: $13 at the Door
12 and under – FREE
Segment Video:
10am Recap:
Cambi was with Lifestyle Expert Justine Santaniello to talk about Fashion and Skin Care Trends. Tina was with Anna learning more about the Fundraiser for Puerto Rico. Tina talked with Greg at Destiny Community Center getting a preview of Love Our City Christmas Event. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. Alisa talked with Natalie and Linda from Lost But Not Forgotten as volunteers wrapped gifts. Tina and Cambi talked with Marleece getting a preview of today's Tranzformationpr Sacramento Premier Holiday Expo at Scottish Rite Temple.
10am News Block:
Please tune into tomorrow's Good Day with Cambi Tina Linda and the Weekend Crew on CW31 7-11a Tina is Dishin and more including Ghirardelli Chocolate Sale. Plant Lady. Science Sunday.
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
Photos: Good Day Sacramento
What's Ahead:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cambi Tina Linda and the Weekend Crew 7-11a
Dishin With Tina at
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac
Good Day Weekend
Cambi Brown
Cody Stark
Courtney Dempsey
Julissa Ortiz
Ken Rudulph
Marianne McClary
Sean Bennett
Tina Macuha
Good Day Traffic:
Bethany Crouch:
Alisa Becerra
Good Day Sac Gifs
Dina Kupfer
Good Day Video Page:
Good Day YouTube Channel:
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
Facebook Fan Page:
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