#IFly #TrafficSafety #Soccer #MakeAWish #Music #Bricks and More Today in the News 8/19/2017
Today's Recap
Celebrating National Aviation Day today Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight. Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday. Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children
Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today. Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
#KinseysCorner The Finger Pose Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club. Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up.
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals . Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge. Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove. Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines.
For all these stories and more this is #IFly #TrafficSafety #Soccer #MakeAWish #Music #Bricks and More Today in the News
Special Announcements:
Show Us Yours: Soccer
#GdsJustCurious: What's the Scariest Movie you've ever seen
Krystle: National Aviation Day
Celebrating National Aviation Day today on Good Day Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight.
iFLY Sacramento 118 Harding Blvd. Roseville, CA (916) 836-4359
https://www.iflyworld.com/ sacramento/
https://www.facebook.com/IFLY- Sacramento-1726520807580952/
https://www.instagram.com/ iflyus/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=4ZjB2wvSaKA
Kinsey #KinseysCorner
Today on Good Day in #KinseysCorner The Finger Pose
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717069- kinseys-corner-trend-alert- fingermouthing/
Dave: Brick Builders Meet-Up
Today on Good Day Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today
Empire's Comics Vault 1120 Fulton Avenue, Suite K Sacramento, CA (916) 482-8779
http://facebook.com/ empirescomics
http://instagram.com/ empirescomics
http://twitter.com/ empirescomics
Sac Brick Builders
https://www.facebook.com/ SacBB/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=QzpxNqbfQLo
Cambi: #DormRoomGoals
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals The pair is going viral for having what could be the most beautiful dorm any college campus has ever seen!
http://elitedaily.com/social- news/gorgeous-dorm-room-will- give-much-decor-inspo-going- back-college/2045016/?utm_ source=facebook&utm_medium= owned&utm_campaign=elitedaily
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=SDeafOSQc2Q
7am Recap:
Celebrating National Aviation Day today on Good Day Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight. Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today. #KinseysCorner Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals
7am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/category/ spoken-word-good-day/3717062- 700-am-news-and-weather- updates/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717071- 730-am-news-and-weather- updates/
Cambi: Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge
6041 Sunrise Mall, Citrus Heights
Saturday, August 19th (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)
http://www.sunrisemallonline. com/event/traffic-safety-day- and-police-motorcycle-skills- challenge/2145493501/
https://www.facebook.com/ sunrisemall
https://www.twitter.com/ SunriseMallCH/
Citrus Heights Police
http://citrusheights.net/222/ Police
https://twitter.com/ citrusheightspd
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gImYPbTTZko
Kinsey: River City Corvette Club
Today on Good Day Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club - Hosted by the current officers. This will be a buffet dinner, complimentary to paid members. (Outside guests pay $40 for dinner)
Start time is 5 pm/cocktails, with dinner at 6:30 pm.
http://www.rivercitycorvettes. org/
https://www.facebook.com/ rivercitycorvettes/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FBWg9EfpWnQ
Cambi: The Wall Ball
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball
The Wall Ball C St. Warehouse 1425 C Street, Sacramento, CA
Date : August 19 @ 8:00 Pm – 11:59 Pm
Tickets : $100 Per Person
Wide Open Walls:
https://www.facebook.com/ Wideopenwalls916/
https://www.instagram.com/ wideopenwalls916_/
https://twitter.com/ WideOpenWalls_
TLCS 650 Howe Ave. Bldg 400-A Sacramento, CA 95825 916.441.0123
http://www.facebook.com/pages/ TLCS-Inc/117060945148084
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=xTySI4z54Wo
Dave: Walk For Wishes
Today on Good Day Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. It’s a family-friendly event powered by wish families, volunteers, donors, and friends.
Walk for Wishes 2017
California State Capitol – South
10th Street and Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811
Saturday, August 19th (9am-11:30am) (registration 8:00 a.m.)
Make-A-Wish 916.437.0206
http://site.wish.org/site/TR/ Events/General?fr_id=2190&pg= entry#.WNQemW_yuUk
http://www.facebook.com/ MakeAWishSacramento
https://www.instagram.com/ makeawishnecnv/
http://twitter.com/ MakeAWishSacto
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=u10Hy_qpVAI
Krystle: Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament
Hosted by Placer Tourism today on Good Day Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday.
Margaret Azevedo Park 1900 Wildcat Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765
http://rocklinsoccer.org/ content/1330/Quarry-Blast
https://www.facebook.com/ Rocklin-Youth-Soccer-Club
https://www.twitter.com/ rocklinsoccer
Placer Valley Tourism
http://placertourism.com/ events/2016RocklinQuarryBlast
https://www.facebook.com/ placertourism
http://twitter.com/ placertourism
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=XwKTElD1gTo
8am Recap:
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge. Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday.
8am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/category/ spoken-word-good-day/3717077- 800-am-news-and-weather- updates/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717082- 830-am-news-and-weather- updates/
Dave continued from Make-A-Wish Walk For Wishes.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=A7wfxypFuGI
Cambi: Ninja Warrior
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist.
https://www.nbc.com/american- ninja-warrior
https://twitter.com/ ninjawarrior
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zXwAvxel-e0
Cambi: School of Rock Open House
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove
9045 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA916.500.7625
https://www.facebook.com/ schoolofrockelkgrove/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=UMFUF3Xmoxg
Krystle Soccer Tournament Part 2
Krystle continued from the Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=7aCicQN6TuI
Kinsey: Guac Off 2017
Today on Good Day Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up. Contestants enter their secret recipes and you get to be the judge of the best (or worst) Guac in Sac!
McClellan Conference Center 5411 Luce Ave, McClellan, CA 95652, Sacramento, CA
Sat., September 23, 2017 – 4:00 p.m.
https://www.meetup.com/ DWCSacramento/events/ 242338280/
https://nightout.com/events/ guac-off-2017/tickets?a=no- sacramento-feature-8-7
https://www.facebook.com/ GuacOff/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=zYgt8oIUcag
DonGato Latin Band
Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage. DonGato is a group of seasoned musicians that love the perfect combination of great music, great time and entertaining the audience.
https://www.dongatolatinband. com/
https://www.facebook.com/ orlando.ramos1
https://twitter.com/ DonGatoMusic
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yTf-lLPXG4o
9am Recap:
Dave continued from Make-A-Wish Walk For Wishes. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist. Krystyle continued from the Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up. Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage.
9am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717077- 800-am-news-and-weather- updates/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717106- 930-am-news-and-weather- updates/
Cambi: Spanish One Part 1 and 2
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer.
2220 K Street Sacramento, CA (916) 359-4539
https://www.facebook.com/ SpanishOnePlus
https://twitter.com/ MonSpanishOne
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=TwNn5W8xhQI
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Zmwh5xuzZjE
Cambi: Give Kids The World Village, Car Wash
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Give Kids The World Village is a nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
Give Kids The World Village, Car Wash
DoubleTree by Hilton Sacramento 2001 Point W Way, Sacramento, CA
Saturday, August 19th at 9am-1pm
Car Wash Only $7
Car Wash & BBQ Package $15
http://www.gktw.org/help/ fundraise.php
https://www.facebook.com/ gktwvillage
https://instagram.com/ gktwvillage/
https://twitter.com/ gktwvillage
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=FZarioJj4tY
Just Enough Sports
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=wf9KrRuzUqs
DonGato Performed.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=jLRUzXDfFcE
Cambi had today's Hot Headlines.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LjVTRwrDAtA
Krystle: Megan's Lemonade Stand
Today on Good Day Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children
Shriners Hospitals for Children
http://www. shrinershospitalsforchildren. org/
https://www.facebook.com/ ShrinersHospitalsforChildren
http://www.instagram.com/ shrinershospitals
https://twitter.com/ shrinershosp
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=qOlL1DBXa80
Dave: National Honey Bee Day
Today on Good Day Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
School Park Preserve
1225 Lincoln Way, Auburn
Saturday, August 19th (10am-1pm)
https://www.placerlandtrust. org/project/auburn-school- park-preserve/
https://www.facebook.com/ placerlandtrust
https://instagram.com/ placerlandtrust/
https://twitter.com/ placerlandtrust
Feed a Bee
https://www.facebook.com/ Feedabee/
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=xgLzIdXyvHM
10am Recap:
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. Just Enough Sports. Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
10am News Block:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717112- 1000-am-news-and-weather- updates/
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/video/3717121- 1030-am-news-and-weather- updates/
Please tune into tomorrow's Good Day with Cambi Kinsey and the Weekend Crew on CW31 7-11a Tina is Dishin and more
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
https://www.facebook.com/ GoodDaySacramento?hc_location= stream
Www.gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.com/category/show- info/
https://www.facebook.com/ CBSSacramento
http://instagram.com/ gooddaysac
Photos: Good Day Sacramento
What's Ahead:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cambi Kinsey and the Weekend Crew 7-11a
Dishin With Tina at...
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac
Good Day Weekend
https://twitter.com/ GoodDayWeekend
Cambi Brown
Cody Stark
Courtney Dempsey
http://twitter.com/ gooddaycourtney
Julissa Ortiz
https://twitter.com/@ tvJulissa_tina
Ken Rudulph
http://twitter.com/@ GoodDayKenR
Marianne McClary
http://twitter.com/@ gooddaymarianne
Sean Bennett
Tina Macuha
https://twitter.com/@ tinamacuha
Good Day Traffic:
https://twitter.com/ GoodDayTraffic
Bethany Crouch:
https://twitter.com/ BethanyCrouchTV
Dave "Deuce" Mason
Krystle Rich
Good Day Sac Gifs
https://twitter.com/ GoodDaySacGifs
Kinsey Schofield
https://twitter.com/ kinseyschofield
Linda Mumma
https://twitter.com/ LindaBMumma
Good Day Video Page:
http://gooddaysacramento. cbslocal.co/video/
Good Day YouTube Channel:
https://www.youtube.com/c/ GoodDaySacramento
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
Email: mbd22803@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www. facebook.com/mbd22803
Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/ norcalnewsblog?fref=tck
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ norcalnewsblog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ dcap22803
Today's Recap
Celebrating National Aviation Day today Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight. Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday. Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children
Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today. Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
#KinseysCorner The Finger Pose Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club. Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up.
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals . Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge. Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove. Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines.
For all these stories and more this is #IFly #TrafficSafety #Soccer #MakeAWish #Music #Bricks and More Today in the News
Special Announcements:
Show Us Yours: Soccer
#GdsJustCurious: What's the Scariest Movie you've ever seen
Krystle: National Aviation Day
Celebrating National Aviation Day today on Good Day Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight.
iFLY Sacramento 118 Harding Blvd. Roseville, CA (916) 836-4359
Kinsey #KinseysCorner
Today on Good Day in #KinseysCorner The Finger Pose
Dave: Brick Builders Meet-Up
Today on Good Day Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today
Empire's Comics Vault 1120 Fulton Avenue, Suite K Sacramento, CA (916) 482-8779
Sac Brick Builders
Cambi: #DormRoomGoals
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals The pair is going viral for having what could be the most beautiful dorm any college campus has ever seen!
7am Recap:
Celebrating National Aviation Day today on Good Day Krystle was at IFly Sacramento learning more and taking flight. Dave was with Ben at Empire’s Comics Vault where Sacramento Brick Builders are holding a Meet up today. #KinseysCorner Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lydia and Maggie Two students at Mississippi State University who are giving off major #DormRoomGoals
7am News Block:
Cambi: Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge
6041 Sunrise Mall, Citrus Heights
Saturday, August 19th (9 a.m.-4 p.m.)
Citrus Heights Police
Kinsey: River City Corvette Club
Today on Good Day Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club - Hosted by the current officers. This will be a buffet dinner, complimentary to paid members. (Outside guests pay $40 for dinner)
Start time is 5 pm/cocktails, with dinner at 6:30 pm.
Cambi: The Wall Ball
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball
The Wall Ball C St. Warehouse 1425 C Street, Sacramento, CA
Date : August 19 @ 8:00 Pm – 11:59 Pm
Tickets : $100 Per Person
Wide Open Walls:
TLCS 650 Howe Ave. Bldg 400-A Sacramento, CA 95825 916.441.0123
Dave: Walk For Wishes
Today on Good Day Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. It’s a family-friendly event powered by wish families, volunteers, donors, and friends.
Walk for Wishes 2017
California State Capitol – South
10th Street and Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95811
Saturday, August 19th (9am-11:30am) (registration 8:00 a.m.)
Make-A-Wish 916.437.0206
Krystle: Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament
Hosted by Placer Tourism today on Good Day Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday.
Margaret Azevedo Park 1900 Wildcat Blvd Rocklin, CA 95765
Placer Valley Tourism
8am Recap:
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Officer Anthony Boehle at Sunrise Mall where the Citrus Heights Police hosted Traffic Safety Day & Police Motorcycle Skills Challenge. Kinsey was getting a preview of the River City Corvette Club 40th Birthday Party at Dante Club Cambi was with Patrick Harbison and Erin Johansen from TLCS getting a preview of today's Wide Open Walls Wall Ball Dave was getting a preview of Walk For Wishes which is a nationwide Make-A-Wish® fundraiser that celebrates the more than 270,000 wishes that have already been granted while raising funds for future wishes. Krystle was at Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament taking place today - Sunday.
8am News Block:
Dave continued from Make-A-Wish Walk For Wishes.
Cambi: Ninja Warrior
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist.
Cambi: School of Rock Open House
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove
9045 Elk Grove Blvd., Elk Grove, CA916.500.7625
Krystle Soccer Tournament Part 2
Krystle continued from the Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament
Kinsey: Guac Off 2017
Today on Good Day Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up. Contestants enter their secret recipes and you get to be the judge of the best (or worst) Guac in Sac!
McClellan Conference Center 5411 Luce Ave, McClellan, CA 95652, Sacramento, CA
Sat., September 23, 2017 – 4:00 p.m.
DonGato Latin Band
Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage. DonGato is a group of seasoned musicians that love the perfect combination of great music, great time and entertaining the audience.
9am Recap:
Dave continued from Make-A-Wish Walk For Wishes. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Lindsay Eskildsen who will be on Ninja Warrior as a Finalist. Krystyle continued from the Rocklin Quarry Blast Soccer Tournament. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Jason Kline at the NEW School of Rock Elk Grove Kinsey was with Ellie with Downtown Women's Club of Sacramento getting a preview of Sept 23rd Guac Off which is a guacamole tasting extravaganza and fundraiser for those 21 and up. Cambi introduced DonGato Latin Band to the Good Day Stage.
9am News Block:
Cambi: Spanish One Part 1 and 2
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer.
2220 K Street Sacramento, CA (916) 359-4539
Cambi: Give Kids The World Village, Car Wash
Today on Good Day Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Give Kids The World Village is a nonprofit resort in Central Florida that provides weeklong, cost-free vacations to children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
Give Kids The World Village, Car Wash
DoubleTree by Hilton Sacramento 2001 Point W Way, Sacramento, CA
Saturday, August 19th at 9am-1pm
Car Wash Only $7
Car Wash & BBQ Package $15
Just Enough Sports
DonGato Performed.
Cambi had today's Hot Headlines.
Krystle: Megan's Lemonade Stand
Today on Good Day Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Dave: National Honey Bee Day
Today on Good Day Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
School Park Preserve
1225 Lincoln Way, Auburn
Saturday, August 19th (10am-1pm)
Feed a Bee
10am Recap:
Cambi and Kinsey talked with Monica learning more about Spanish One Plus and what they have to offer. Cambi and Kinsey talked with Charlie at Doubletree by Hilton Sacramento where employees and volunteers held a Car Wash for Give Kids The World Village. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. Just Enough Sports. Krystle was with Megan who set up a Lemonade Stand to benefit Shriners Hospital For Children Dave was with School Park Community Garden which, part of Placer Land Trust who is teaming up with Feed a Bee to participate in a day of nationwide plantings.
10am News Block:
Please tune into tomorrow's Good Day with Cambi Kinsey and the Weekend Crew on CW31 7-11a Tina is Dishin and more
Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV
Photos: Good Day Sacramento
What's Ahead:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cambi Kinsey and the Weekend Crew 7-11a
Dishin With Tina at...
Good Day Sacramento Cast/Crew on Twitter:
Good Day Sac
Good Day Weekend
Cambi Brown
Cody Stark
Courtney Dempsey
Julissa Ortiz
Ken Rudulph
Marianne McClary
Sean Bennett
Tina Macuha
Good Day Traffic:
Bethany Crouch:
Dave "Deuce" Mason
Krystle Rich
Good Day Sac Gifs
Kinsey Schofield
Linda Mumma
Good Day Video Page:
Good Day YouTube Channel:
Ways To Reach Me On Social Media:
Email: mbd22803@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.
Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
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