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#Theatre #Gadgets #History #JobFair #Gardening #PetAdoption and More Today in the News

#Theatre #Gadgets #History #JobFair #Gardening #PetAdoption and More Today in the News 3/18/2017

Today's Recap:
Nha was at Roseville High School for a preview of Roseville High Patti Baker Theatre Company presentation of Grease. Nha was with Kerri Phillips at Maidu Park in Roseville, CA learning more about Mercy Multiplied because when you Run For Mercy, you help girls walk in freedom. Nha was celebrating National Quilting Day with the Famous Neighbor Bonnie. Nha was with Elk Grove Police Explorers where Cadets are hoping to get into law enforcement have the chance to see what it takes to be a police officer today by being placed in different scenarios all guided by police officers. 

Wendy was at the Elk Grove Unified School District Hiring Event taking place today. Elk Grove Unified is hiring the best and the brightest! We are looking for 350 dynamic and engaging teachers, administrators and school nurses to join our team. Wendy was at the Red Door Elk Grove Fourth Annual Old Town Elk Grove vintage trailer show & antique flea market. Wendy was checking out  Sourdough & Co, plus, getting a taste of the brand new menu! Currently in the Soft Opening Grand Opening this next week!


Cambi updated the Good Day Quarter Bracket Challenge. Cambi was with Michael Marks in the kitchen talking about Colored Cauliflower. Cambi was with The Bissell Pet Foundation who has chosen the Sacramento SPCA to participate in the Empty the Shelters Adoption Event, along with 20 other California shelters. Cambi talked with Heather with Ethel I. Baker where Soil Born Farms and the Sacramento Tree Foundation are teaming up with Ethel I. Baker Elementary School to transform the school’s green space as a part of “Garden Day.” Cambi talked with Author and veteran Melissa Washington who talked about why an event like Women Veterans Alliance UnConference is so important and how women can register. Cambi was with the creators of Cocoon Cam Baby Breathing Camera. For new parents, checking to see if their baby is breathing can keep them from getting the sleep they need. Cambi was getting a preview of Franklin High School Mary Poppins which is an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers and astonishing stagecraft. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. 

Cody talked with Damon Breland from Smitty's Super Station who collects and restores old Chuck E. Cheese characters. Cody talked with Steve Beck at Sutter's Fort where they are continuing a popular series of interactive and fun “Hands on History" This month Hard Working Women of the Frontier. Cody was with Caitlin Everhart getting a preview of The Explore Science: Earth & Space event at Powerhouse Science Center which is part of a nationwide celebration of educational programs designed to engage audiences in the awe-inspiring fields of Earth and space science. #Caturday Video of the Week. Now that the party is over it's time to get ready for work on Monday. Today Cody talked with Sarah from Jamba Juice on how to Detox from St. Patrick's Day. Cody and Cambi talked with Chris Antemann about her Porcelain Art Forbidden Fruit exhibit at Crocker Art Museum March 19th - June 25th. Cody talked with Jack Geist and Jonah Hendrickson from Davis High School who took part in a Bass Fishing Tournament and won. Cody and Cambi checked in with Rusty for The Tractor Family Fest at the California Agriculture Museum taking place 10am to 2pm. Cody was with Les Cookson who is at it again launching a new Zoetrope design with amazing new animations the new ZOEFLIX is a mesmerizing animation toy, and a gorgeous conversation piece you’ll want for your home.

For all these stories and more this is #Theatre #Gadgets #History #JobFair #Gardening #PetAdoption and More Today in the News 

Special Announcements:

Show Us Yours: Garden 
Garden 1

#GdsJustCurious: I tried it once.. I'm Good

Nha: Grease At Roseville High School
Today on Good Day Nha was at Roseville High School for a preview of Roseville High Patti Baker Theatre Company presentation of Grease. 
Show dates are: March 30, 31, April 1, 6, 7, 8 at 7pm in the Patti Baker Theater at Roseville High School
Tickets are $8 for students and $10 for adults and are sold at the door with cash or check
Grease 1

Wendy: EGUSD Hiring Event
Today on Good Day Wendy was at the Elk Grove Unified School District Hiring Event taking place today. Elk Grove Unified is hiring the best and the brightest! We are looking for 350 dynamic and engaging teachers, administrators and school nurses to join our team! On Saturday, March 18 (9:00 – 3:00 p.m.), we invite the public to participate in in-person, one-on-one interviews with Elk Grove Unified personnel.
Robert L. Trigg Center 9510 Elk Grove-Florin Road, Elk Grove, CA 95624
March 18, 2017 9 a.m. to 3 p.m

Cody: Chuck E Cheese
Today on Good Day Cody talked with Damon Breland from Smitty's Super Station who collects and restores old Chuck E. Cheese characters 
1545 Hwy 48 East Sandy Hook, MS 39478
Smittys 1

Cambi: Quarter Bracket Challenge Update
Cambi updated the Good Day Quarter Bracket Challenge
Bracket Breakdown 1

Cody: Hands on History
Today on Good Day Cody talked with Steve Beck at Sutter's Fort where they are continuing a popular series of interactive and fun “Hands on History” activities each month, Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park (SHP) will present a special “Hands on History: Hard Working Women on the Frontier.”
Sutter’s Fort State Historic Park 2701 L Street Sacramento, CA (916) 445-4422
Saturday, March 18, 2017 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
$7 per adult (18 and older) $5 per youth (ages 6 to 17) Children 5 and under, FREE
Sutters Fort Hands on History 1

Cambi: Michael Marks
Today on Good Day Cambi was with Michael Marks in the kitchen talking about Colored Cauliflower
March 18 Michael Marks 1

7am Recap:
Wendy was at the Elk Grove Unified School District Hiring Event taking place today. Elk Grove Unified is hiring the best and the brightest! We are looking for 350 dynamic and engaging teachers, administrators and school nurses to join our team. Nha was at Roseville High School for a preview of Roseville High Patti Baker Theatre Company presentation of Grease. Cody talked with Damon Breland from Smitty's Super Station who collects and restores old Chuck E. Cheese characters Cambi updated the Good Day Quarter Bracket Challenge. Cody talked with Steve Beck at Sutter's Fort where they are continuing a popular series of interactive and fun “Hands on History" This month Hard Working Women of the Frontier. Cambi was with Michael Marks in the kitchen talking about Colored Cauliflower. 

7am News Block:

Nha: 5K Run For Mercy
Today on Good Day Nha was with Kerri Phillips at Maidu Park in Roseville, CA learning  about more Mercy Multiplied because when you Run For Mercy, you help girls walk in freedom.
Maidu Park | Roseville, CA
Mercy Multiplied 1

Cody: Sutter's Fort Hands On History Part 2
Cody and Cambi continued talking with Steve Beck at Sutter's Fort learning More about Hands On History.
Sutters Fort Hands on History 2

Cambi: Michael Marks Part 2
Cambi continued with Michael Marks as he prepared Colored Cauliflower
March 18 Michael Marks 2



Wendy: EGUSD Jobs Part 2
Wendy continued from the Elk Grove School District Job Event.



Cambi: Until Every Pet Has A Home
Today on Good Day Cambi was with The Bissell Pet Foundation who has chosen the Sacramento SPCA to participate in the Empty the Shelters Adoption Event, along with 20 other California shelters. There will be free adoptions for all animals from 11am – 6pm on March 18th only (Bissell is sponsoring all the adoption fees for this event).
Sacramento SPCA 6201 Florin Perkins Rd. Sacramento, CA 9163837387 
Adoption Center Open Wednesday-Sunday 11am-6pm
Bissell Pet Foundation
SPCA Empty Shelter 1

Cody: Earth & Space Weekend
Today on Good Day Cody was with Caitlin Everhart getting a preview of The Explore Science: Earth & Space event at Powerhouse Science Center which is part of a nationwide celebration of educational programs designed to engage audiences in the awe-inspiring fields of Earth and space science. This event gives families a chance to connect with current NASA science research and explore Earth and space phenomena. 
Saturday & Sunday 11 AM-3PM 
Powerhouse Science Center 3615 Auburn Blvd. Sacramento, CA (916) 808-3942
Powerhouse Science Space Event 1



8am Recap:
Nha was with Kerri Phillips at Maidu Park in Roseville, CA learning more Mercy Multiplied about because when you Run For Mercy, you help girls walk in freedom. Cody and Cambi continued talking with Steve Beck at Sutter's Fort learning More about Hands On History. Cambi continued with Michael Marks as he prepared Colored Cauliflower Wendy continued from the Elk Grove School District Job Event. Cambi was with The Bissell Pet Foundation who has chosen the Sacramento SPCA to participate in the Empty the Shelters Adoption Event, along with 20 other California shelters. Cody was with Caitlin Everhart getting a preview of The Explore Science: Earth & Space event at Powerhouse Science Center which is part of a nationwide celebration of educational programs designed to engage audiences in the awe-inspiring fields of Earth and space science. 


8am News Block: 

Cody: Powerhouse Science Part 2
Cody continued with Caitlin from Powerhouse Science learning about Space.
Powerhouse Science Space Event 2

Cambi: Garden Day
Today on Good Day Cambi talked with Heather with Ethel I. Baker where Soil Born Farms and the Sacramento Tree Foundation are teaming up with Ethel I. Baker Elementary School to transform the school’s green space as a part of “Garden Day.” Over one hundred volunteers are working together to transform the garden to included citrus grove, native plants, shade trees, and plants that attract various pollinators.
Free Event
Soil Born
Sacramento Tree Foundation
Ethel L Baker:
Garden Day 1

Wendy: The Red Door Antiques, Vintage & More
Today on Good Day Wendy was at the Red Door Elk Grove Fourth Annual Old Town Elk Grove vintage trailer show & antique flea market. Enjoy live music, food trucks, beer garden, up-close look at restored vintage trailers, and shop dozens of vintage & antique vendors.
March 18, 2017 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
General Admission $5.00
Children 16 and under FREE
Red Door 1

Cambi: Women Vet Conference
The women veteran population in California is close to 200,000. Women are often unrecognized and undeserved in our communities and this 3-day event will help provide resources for female vets. Today on Good Day Cambi talked with Author and veteran Melissa Washington who talked about why an event like Women Veterans Alliance UnConference is so important and how women can register.
Women Veterans Alliance Unconference March 24-26
Lion Gate Hotel in Sacramento
Vet Conference 1

Today's Good Day #Caturday Video of the Week "Cat Plays With Cups"
Caturday Cat Cup Play 1

Nha: National Quilting Day
Today on Good Day Nha was celebrating National Quilting Day with the Famous Neighbor Bonnie
Quilting 1

Cambi: Cocoon Cam Baby Breathing
Today on Good Day Cambi was with the creators of Cocoon Cam Baby Breathing Camera. For new parents, checking to see if their baby is breathing can keep them from getting the sleep they need. The new Cocoon Cam is a smart baby video monitor that is able to detect and show a baby’s breathing and send smart alerts when something goes wrong.
Cacoon Cam 1

Cody: Detox from St Patrick's Day
Now that the party is over it's time to get ready for work on Monday. Today on Good Day Cody talked with Sarah from Jamba Juice on how to Detox from St. Patrick's Day.
Jamba Juice Detox 1

9am Recap:
Cody continued with Caitlin from Powerhouse Science learning about Space. Cambi talked with Heather with Ethel I. Baker where Soil Born Farms and the Sacramento Tree Foundation are teaming up with Ethel I. Baker Elementary School to transform the school’s green space as a part of “Garden Day.”  Wendy was at the Red Door Elk Grove Fourth Annual Old Town Elk Grove vintage trailer show & antique flea market. Cambi talked with Author and veteran Melissa Washington who talked about why an event like Women Veterans Alliance UnConference is so important and how women can register. #Caturday Video of the Week. Nha was celebrating National Quilting Day with the Famous Neighbor Bonnie. Cambi was with the creators of Cocoon Cam Baby Breathing Camera. For new parents, checking to see if their baby is breathing can keep them from getting the sleep they need. Now that the party is over it's time to get ready for work on Monday. Today on Good Day Cody talked with Sarah from Jamba Juice on how to Detox from St. Patrick's Day. 

9am News Block:

Wendy: Sourdough & Co.
Elk Grove is welcoming a new sandwich spot Sourdough & Co. Today on Good Day Wendy was checking out  Sourdough & Co, plus, getting a taste of the brand new menu! Currently in the Soft Opening – Grand Opening this next week!
Sourdough & Co. 9257 Laguna Springs Dr Suite 110 Elk Grove CA 95758 916.683.0583
sourdough co 1

Cody / Cambi: Forbidden Fruit
Today on Good Day Cody and Cambi talked with Chris Antemann about Porcelain Art Forbidden Fruit exhibit at Crocker Art Museum March 19th - June 25th
Crocker Art Museum 216 O Street Sacramento, CA (916) 808-7000
Forbidden Fruit 1

Nha: Elk Grove Police Explorers
Today on Good Day Nha was with Elk Grove Police Explorers where Cadets are hoping to get into law enforcement have the chance to see what it takes to be a police officer today by being placed in different scenarios all guided by police officers. Also the Annual Crab Feed is April 1st
EG Cadet Explorer 1

Cambi: Mary Poppins
Today on Good Day Cambi was getting a preview of Franklin High School Mary Poppins which is an enchanting mixture of irresistible story, unforgettable songs, breathtaking dance numbers and astonishing stagecraft. And yes, Mary Poppins does take flight over the rooftops of London.
Franklin High School — Black Box Theatre 6400 Whitelock Parkway, Elk Grove, CA 95757
General $12 Students, Seniors, Children (Under Age 12), and Staff $10 VIP $20!/pages/FHS-Thespian-Troupe-6716/12691
Mary Poppins 1

Cody: Davis Bass Fishing
Today on Good Day Cody talked with Jack Geist and Jonah Hendrickson from Davis High School who took part in a Bass Fishing Tournament and won.
Davis Fishing 1

Cambi had today's Hot Headlines.
March 18 Hot 1

Cody / Cambi: Tractor Family Fest
Today on Good Day Cody and Cambi checked in with Rusty for The Tractor Family Fest at the California Agriculture Museum taking place 10am to 2pm. Families and kids of all ages are invited to the unveiling of a new kid’s exhibit featuring a Caterpillar 10, one of the tractors that Fred C. Heidrick Sr. gave to his grandson Bobby.
California Agriculture Museum
March 18th, 2017 from 10am to 2pm
Admission is $10 for adults
$5 for kids ages 5 to 12
Tractor Day 1

Nha: Cadet Explorer Part 2
Nha continued with Cadets taking part in the training today.
EG Cadet Explorer 2

Cody: Zoetrope
Today on Good Day Cody was with Les Cookson who is at it again launching a new Zoetrope design with amazing new animations the new ZOEFLIX is a mesmerizing animation toy, and a gorgeous conversation piece you’ll want for your home.
zoetrope 1

10am Recap:
Wendy was checking out  Sourdough & Co, plus, getting a taste of the brand new menu! Currently in the Soft Opening – Grand Opening this next week! Cody and Cambi talked with Chris Antemann about Forbidden Fruit exhibit at Crocker Art Museum March 19th - June 25th. Nha was with Elk Grove Police Explorers where Cadets are hoping to get into law enforcement have the chance to see what it takes to be a police officer today by being placed in different scenarios all guided by police officers. Cody talked with Jack Geist and Jonah Hendrickson from Davis High School who took part in a Bass Fishing Tournament and won. Cambi had today's Hot Headlines. Cody and Cambi checked in with Rusty for The Tractor Family Fest at the California Agriculture Museum taking place 10am to 2pm. Cody was with Les Cookson who is at it again launching a new Zoetrope design with amazing new animations the new ZOEFLIX is a mesmerizing animation toy, and a gorgeous conversation piece you’ll want for your home.


10am News Block:

Final Thought on today's show 
History of Women and the Frontier, History of Tractors, Quilting with Bonnie, Job Fair in Elk Grove and a New Sandwich Shop. Students Fish and Win. Porcelain Art, Cadets in Training. 5 Run for a cause and Gadgets to protect kids plus adoptable pets and more today on Good Day. Tomorrow Tina is Dishin Cambi and Cody are back 7-11a Thank you everyone See you at 7am



Please tune into tomorrow's Good Day with Cody and the Weekend Crew on CW31 7-11a Tina is Dishin with Tina.


Sources/Photos Courtesy of: Good Day Sacramento CW31/CBS13 TV 
Photos: Good Day Sacramento.

What's Ahead:
Good Day Sacramento Weekend with Cody and the Weekend Crew

Dishin With Tina at...


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Cody Stark 
Courtney Dempsey 
Julissa Ortiz 
Ken Rudulph 
Marianne McClary 
Sean Bennett 
Tina Macuha
Laura Skirde
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